Monday, November 27, 2006

Miami Team, the Winning Team

Picture #3
Miami Team, the Winning Team

Pa Tg. Lianbawi (Pa Tg. Pau Sian Lian) jubilantly holding a prize

Miami Team Again

Picture #2
Miami Team Again

Miami Team

Picture #1
Miami Team

Click on the picture to see it larger.


How This Blog Originated

Pa Tg. Lianbawi (Pa Tg. Pau Sian Lian, the outgoing General Secretary of FZIUSA, Inc.) took some photographs of the champion team (Miami Team) at the USA Zomi World Cup Soccer Tournament held on Thanksgiving Day (23 NOV 06 THU).

Pa Tg. Neng Khan Pau (the outgoing Literature and Culture Secretary of FZIUSA, Inc.) scanned those pictures and sent four of them to me so that I would post them to some Zomi yahoogroups.

I found out that the pictures were too large (3392K, 3694K, 3740K, and 3389K respectively) to post on yahoogroups. I tried to post them on my little webpage (, but there was no room for them. Hence this blog (


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