Sunday, March 23, 2008

Zomi National Day: How to Count It

Zomi National Day: How to Count It

Most of us tend to count our Zomi National Day wrongly. 20 FEB 08 WED was the most recent of our National Day.

Was it the 60th Time Zomi National Day [A 60 Veina Zomi Nam Ni; A Kyein Chauk-se Myauk Zo-mi A-myo-tha Nay]?

Or was it the 61st Time Zomi National Day [A 61 Veina Zomi Nam Ni; Chauk-se-tit Kyein Myauk Zo-mi A-myo-tha Nay]?

Or was it the 60th Anniversary of Zomi National Day [Kum 60 Cin'na Zomi Nam Ni; A Hnit Chauk-se Myauk Zo-mi A-myo-tha Nay]?

You need to take pen and paper, write the dates down, and do your counting.

If you are too busy or too lazy to do that, here is a document that does the counting for you:

You can print it out and do your own counting.