Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Nostalgic Small Piece of Zolai Grammar (page 1)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Nostalgic Small Piece of Zolai Grammar

By Taang Zomi

Today (19 APR 08 SAT), I looked for and found a brief piece of writing on Tedim Zolai grammar, which I wrote way back in 1996 (some twelve years ago).

In 1996, I began a newsletter-cum-mailing list, called The TBC (The Thang Bawi Communique, (, which was a precursor of Zomi International Network ( and other yahoogroups and googlegroups.

In March 1996, I began the first-ever Zomi websiste (The Thang Bawi Home Page, (

This webpage is no longer valid, but most – but not all – of it is archived here:
During 1996, Thuah Aung (Wilfred Bening), a famous singer and computer software programmer, also had his webpage (Rammawi Home Page
(, which was the third or fourth webpage after mine.

He sent us a list of sentences in English to be translated into Tedim, Falam, Hakha, Matu, Mara, Cho, etc.

He translated it into Falam. I translated it into Tedim. He put our translations on his webpage.

Today, I looked for his webpage, and found out that the webpage no longer existed. I looked for the webpage on the Internet Archive (, but it was not there.

I remember that Dr. Vum Son put my translation on his webpage (Information Central for topics related to Zo Re-unification and Democracy and Federalism in Burma, ( When I tried to go there, I found out that the webpage was no longer in existence. I went to the Internet Archive, and fortunately the archive of the webpage is still there:

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